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Ways to join

Ready for your next big opportunity? Whether you're interested in starting your own practice or wanting to join an existing one, we're the network for you! Explore below to learn more about joining as an owner or follow this link to discover which of our clinics are growing their current practices. 

We're growing!

Several of our current clinics are expanding their services and are looking for passionate people like you. If you’re a full or provisional NZAS member, or an audiometrist, check out our opportunities across New Zealand.

Why it's great to own your own clinic

There are so many perks to owning and operating your own business!

Your clinic, your hours

Set yourself up with hours that balance your life and goals.

Your clinic, your prices

Owning your own clinic means you get to establish pricing that reflects what's right for you, your clients, and your clinic.

Your clinic, your services

Based on your skills and expertise, you get to decide what services to provide that best match you and provide for your clients.

Your clinic, your reward

The harder you work, the more rewards you realise. The more you gain, the more you can give back. You'll expand your client network and provide services to more people.

Making it happen

 1.  Schedule the call

1. Schedule the call

Curious about this opportunity? Find out more!

More here >

1. Schedule the call

What's the worst that could happen? Only positives here! You will gain a wealth of information during your initial discussion call with our founder, Scott Wright. This is a no-pressure opportunity to learn about New Zealand Hearing and how you too could be your own boss. Don't let anything hold you back from exploring your true potential.

Contact our head office to schedule an initial discussion call with Scott Wright.

 2.  Take the call

2. Take the call

Find out what it's like to join our network!

More here >

2. Take the call

During your initial call with Scott, you'll learn about the additional benefits of joining hands with New Zealand Hearing. Aside from the great advantages of being your own boss, you have a great network of talented audiologists and support staff to help you grow on this journey.

 3.  Welcome to the family!

3. Welcome to the family!

We're so pleased to have you on board, now let's get you rolling!

More here >

3. Welcome to the family!

Once you decide you can't wait for this opportunity to change your life, we'll help you organize all the nitty-gritty of getting off the ground. Scott and the New Zealand Hearing support staff are waiting with open arms to watch you and your clinic bloom.

You might have some questions...

I don't have my own equipment yet, how do I get it?

That's the beauty of New Zealand Hearing, we'll help you fund your clinic start-up so you can get moving quickly and without financial worry.

How long is the contract?

Your clinic, your contract! Being an owner means you'll be connected with your clinic always. It's a commitment to your clinic, your clients, your joy, and your happiness.

I don't know anything about owning a business, can I still join you?

Yes! We are excited to welcome you, regardless of your business experience. One of the joys of networking with New Zealand Hearing is that our support staff is here to help and they know the ins and outs of getting started, growing, and maintaining so you can learn about the process.

Join us

Get in touch today